Saturday, September 11, 2010


(This is the date of the 3rd trimester photo shoot. lol)
The first trimester was by far, the hardest to get through for me. As a Juvenile Diabetic, my body had a really hard time adjusting to the new hormone levels associated with pregnancy. I would pass out in my sleep regularly once a week for the entire 1st trimester. And by "passing out", I mean I'd be waking up to my husband squeezing juice down my throat to revive me...At 12 weeks, I took a nap at my mom's house one day and never woke up on my own. Mom tried giving me juice but i was too passed out to drink it so she called the paramedics and they had to revived. That is never a fun experience! My body had started shutting down- I'd peed on myself, I couldn't remember how to talk, and I couldn't even feed myself when i first woke up! All i could remember when i woke up, was wanting to make sure this baby was OK! (He was thankfully, I went to the DR and had an ultrasound) =)

The 2nd trimester went by a lot smoother! I felt the baby move @ about 17 wks, and later on we learned that "it" was a BOY!
We were so excited! It felt more "real" after learning the sex of the baby. We already knew what we were going to name a boy- Charles Joesph Woodbury, "CJ". We didn't have any ideas for a girl, so this worked out great! LOL

The 3rd trimester was shortened for me! I had a lot of hip problems throughout the pregnancy. While they were taking their time separating, preparing for birth, my right hip kept feeling like it wasn't in socket right or something. But regardless, little CJ decided to come early @ 36 wks, 3 days =D He was a whopping 7lbs 11 oz, 20.5 inches long. He is only 13 days younger than Dana's baby, Cage. It was a lot of fun being pregnant at the same time as my best friend. I still can't believe it happened that way! haha. I really enjoyed being pregnant, struggles and all were SO worth it. =)

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