Thursday, February 4, 2010

Life changed

     Today I had an endocrinology appointment and I knew that they always would ask me whether or not my menstrual cycle was regular or not...Normally i wouldn't worry. However THIS time, i was two days late. Only two, not bad. Could be stress, right? Charlie and i decided, before going to bed, that i should just take a pregnancy test in the morning just to be sure before going to see the doctor so i'd know what to tell him...So naturally, this was the last thing on my mind before falling asleep.
     When i woke up, i sat straight up and said out loud "Seriously? Is that a joke??...". I woke up upset. Upset at Heavenly Father because i had just spent i don't know how long dreaming that i had taken the test and it was positive. Normally that would be a happy dream, right? Well, for Charlie and I, we'd spent nearly a year at this point trying to have a baby. So the constant "taking a test each month and it being negative" was getting WAY old. I reluctantly got out of bed anyways and took the test, to what i thought would certainly further my anger.

About 10 minutes came and went and I slipped back into the bathroom to read my result- POSITIVE!
     Wow. I just couldn't believe it. I sat there and stared at the test for a few minutes, letting the news soak in. I quickly got down on my knees and thanked Heavenly Father for this well as offering an apology for being upset just moments before.
     This is NOT how Charlie and I had planned discovering we were pregnant for the first time, having had time to discuss how we'd like to have it happen over the past year. At a loss with how to tell Charlie, i HAD to tell someone besides Izzy, our dog. I phoned Dana, my best friend, who had just discovered she too was pregnant about three weeks earlier! I told Dana the news- with a lot of screaming, jumping up and down, and "Oh my gosh's".
     I called Charlie at work and asked him if he'd like to have lunch with me after my doctor's appointment that morning. I quickly took a picture, with my phone, of the pregnancy test. I edited the picture to say "Looks like we're pregnant!" right above the result. =)

     I went to Charlie's work to pick him up after my appointment for lunch. I kept looking for Charlie through the glass window...As soon as i saw him, i texted him the picture of the test! As he walked up to the car, I jumped out because couldn't restrain myself from hugging him. He walked around to the passenger side to get in, and i asked him if he was going to check his phone...He did. He read the message and we hugged in the car yet again. We were so overwhelmed with excitement. =D
**I'll never forget this day in my life. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be a wife and mother to my family. I am so grateful for the knowledge that families are forever and that i am blessed to have my eternal family.

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